Spain 14 – Fort Bravo

The three western towns are located within two or three kilometers of each other so I didn’t have to search for long to find the next one. Upon getting onto the dusty track leading to the town I was greeted by a cowboy on his (not-iron) horse tipping his hat.


The towns name is Fort Bravo. The reason why is it includes an American fort which was used in the movie Escape from Fort Bravo.

Many movies which where shot in Mini Hollywood were also filmed in this town. Though I did not recognize any particular buildings or views.

The town however actually looked more authentic to me than Mini Hollywood. Probably because it was less taken care of. The paint on all the buildings had faded, the bare wooden planks were bleached bright from the merciless sun of the past decades. Most buildings were a bit skewed and just overall gave the impression of a proper old western town with a history to it. Although realistically why should the people back then not have taken care of their town. Anyway I liked the worn look.


Every western town needs gallows.


And a saloon.


The town had two parts. One US style and one Mexican to suit more productions.


Of course there also needs to be a jail.




I stayed in Fort Bravo until the evening when I needed to make sure I could still find a place to sleep. I really wasn’t sure where to sleep that day because with the Tabernas desert I had reached the place with the least vegetation to hide. Sleeping in the desert did sound interesting though.

So I got back onto the road and I was scanning the landscape close and further away from me. It was quite obvious that I could not be picky this time.


The land wasn’t completely flat next to the road which was a big relieve for me. Thankfully there were little hills here and there and after just a few minutes of riding I had found my spot.
First I wanted to camp on top of a one of the hills. The view was fantastic up there, but it was a bit (very much) too exposed.


So I climbed down again ending up in a little valley where I was going to be hidden.


I ate my dinner on the hill watching the sun set over the Tabernas desert.


The night was just like you would expect it in a desert, quite cold. There was a very dense mist and it was by far the coldest night on my trip so far so I had to use my warm dune sleeping bag.

Spain 13 – Mini Hollywood

The next day early in the morning I packed my things and went to the beach to wash my cloths. In the heat of the early morning hours everything dried quickly.


Also I had to lubricate the chain of my bike again.


The break pads seemed to hold up well enough so I decided they would probably last me until the end of my trip and I would get new ones once I was home in London again. I did however also notice that the chain had gotten a little lose. Unfortunately the tool necessary to tighten it was the only tool missing to complete my basic custom tool kit. I suspect that the mechanic who swapped the sprockets a two months ago had not tightened the screw well because the chain should not be this lose so quickly after having been adjusted. Anyway I had to leave it for now.

I set course for the desert to visit the first of the three western towns. Oasis Mini Hollywood as it is called.


With a Confederate flag, a Union flag and a Texan flag and the surrounding desert landscape it was difficult not to think that you were in the United States.

Huge cacti like these along the past thousand miles were a constant reminder that I was in a completely different part of Europe now but it didn’t feel like Europe at all.



Entering Mini Hollywood the first thing greeting you is a collection of “Indian” tents which I didn’t find terrible interesting and they looked a bit out of place right next to their enemies.

Passing the tents and a cacti garden the town center revealed itself. Some buildings are locked, some contain little exhibitions and some simply a fitting interior for their time.


One building contained an exhibition of wagons, coaches, and carriages. Below is the typical stage coach which can often be seen in the movies being robbed because they often transported valuables besides people.


Some parts of the town look more authentic than others and not all buildings still are or look the same as they did when they were captured on film a long time ago. They were constantly altered to suit different productions and to avoid buildings becoming recognizable. After all there were not many western towns like this in Europe so they were reused often.


But even if the buildings themselves didn’t reveal the film historic identity the landscape did.


Clint Eastwood riding into town eventually rivaling Lee van Cleef in “For a few dollars more” by Serigio Leone, 1965. As you can see the view and the landscape indicate the same location.


In some cases you can even see the buildings which played an important role are still there.

Like the “El Paso” bank which is being robbed in the same movie.



Groggy - For a Few Dollars More

_MG_2118 (another copy)

(Unfortunately the focal length is completely off.)

The now yellow bank building can also be seen here in the background in the middle in “The good, the bad and the ugly” when Tuco is about to be hanged. The facade was changed but the general layout remained the same.


And again the same building this time as Monterey Bank in yet another movie.


What is now The Yellow Rose saloon is where Clint Eastwood and Lee van Cleef checked in in For a few dollars more.



Walking through movie history like this was a great but eerily melancholic feeling realizing that all of this is really a museum now with no life in it left. A museum of not just the wild west as it used to be 200 years ago but also of the time when western movies were still in demand. Most movie legends who had their big success acting in this genre are now forgotten.

This became particularly apparent walking through the little exhibition inside the bank building showing film projectors from 40 years ago and on the walls posters of the movies shot in this town. The silence and faint movie score music playing from the loudspeakers in the distance together with the dark light in the room made the place (fittingly) seem like a mausoleum.


One of my all time favorite movies which had been shot here with my two all time favorite actors had a special place next to the entrance.

They Call Me Trinity – 1970, with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.


Time had passed very quickly. It was already late in the afternoon and I still had two more towns ahead of me. My expectations here were exceeded by far so I left Mini Hollywood happy in search for more wester movie history.

Spain 12 – Almeria

That day I continued south-west to Cabo de Gata, the town which shares it’s name with the national park which encompasses it. The town was tiny but there was an endless seeming beach where people were lined up as far as the eye could see. Everybody had a good 50m of beach to themselves. I wanted to stop and take a break but the landscape didn’t look at all like I would be able to find a spot to make camp because still there was no vegetation to hide. To make matters worse just when I thought my last hope was a little hill a KM away from me it turned out to be a bird sanctuary complete with an observatory. So I would camp in a national park (that’s a no) and bird sanctuary (a big no) and there would be people scouting my location. A bit inconvenient I thought. So I kept going. Instead of focusing on the front of the hill I now went around it and discovered an amazing road which offered a breathtaking view. It was a bad spot to stop but I had to take some pictures. Unfortunately they don’t do the perspective (the deep drop) justice.



I followed the little serpentine road a few hundred more meters until I noticed a little gravel road towards the mountain.


There was a little bare spot just a hundred meters into the gravel road. It was a bit exposed but I knew I wasn’t going to find a better spot before nightfall. I didn’t set up my tent yet though, instead I went back to the beach to enjoy the sunset there.


After returning to my bike I noticed that there was a nice KTM bike with a German license plate parked next to my bike. It was great to see that I wasn’t the only foreigner traveling by motorcycle after all. I had already covered close to 50% of Spain’s circumference but this was the first foreign license plate I had seen. Coincidentally the owner, Tano just returned to his bike from the beach as well and we exchanged experiences and advice. It was a pleasure to find a like minded spirit in the middle of nowhere. He told me of his adventures in Africa which added fuel to my desire to go there as well.

I had wanted to return to my camp site before the sun had set but we parted ways wishing each other good look well after the sun had set and it had already been pitch dark.

Tano had told me that on his trip he once woke up to a wild dog aggressively circling him in the darkness. He only had his knife as a defense but this reminded me to also keep my knife closer during nights. Until now I had always left it at the bike. But there are lot’s of wild dogs and also cats which seem to have very little in common with the cute pets we love.

I set up the tent in the darkness with my flash light and hoped to fall asleep right after but the heat kept me awake for longer than I had hoped. The rhythmically flashing light beam of the light house close by illuminating the hills was a welcome distraction until I eventually did fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up from the heat once again. I packed my things while a friendly musician was watching my every move.




This guy was at least six centimeters big. I’m not really sure though if they are actually the ones making the shrilling sound of the desert.

Just before I got back onto the bike after having had a quick cereal breakfast I decided to finally add a new camera perspective to my GoPro camera recordings by attaching a new mount to my helmet. This would give the viewer a kind of 1st person perspective which should be particularly interesting on video recordings.


It was a nice idea but a bad execution as I later realized that I would not be able to open the visor anymore. OK in winter – NOT OK in the oven that is Spain in summer. So it came off at the next stop.


The next stop was Almeria. The city itself was not hugely interesting except for a Muslim fortress which unfortunately seemed to have no accessible entrance.


What nonetheless made Almeria important to me was the fact that it was the closest city to the three western towns I had added to my route. They were in the middle of the desert. Literally. The Tabernas desert is the only real desert in Europe and it was the shooting location of more than 400 movies. Among them most of the great Spaghetti Western movies. These three towns are kept partially in their original shape for tourists and there is a ticket fee to get in. Since I didn’t want to rush things and I wanted the merciless high noon sun for photos I decided to start my western movie history tour the next day and start looking for a camp site right away because I knew that the terrain around me was going to make this a difficult task.

I had to ride west to the next town to find out that there still wasn’t any hint of cover so I decided to return and go east hoping to find more remote places there. The opposite was the case but behind a busy parking lot of a busy beach I found tall bushes behind which I set up my tent as soon as the the sun had sat. I have camped at more inviting places but this was the best I could find. The photo doesn’t show the many bugs, the strange wires on the floor and the weird smell making me want to spend as little time there as possible.


Spain 11 – Prison break

The next morning I got up before sunrise to avoid being discovered. I was still tired …


… but everything worked out well and I could pack up my tent and and everything else without being seen.


In town everything opened after 10am so I still had a lot of time left before I could go to the tourist information office to ask about Maestro Leone and his work. Besides the fantastic scenery as mentioned before one of the reasons why I wanted to come to this area of Spain was that the great western movies, in particular the Spaghetti Westerns of the 60s and 70s have been shot here.


In the mean time I rode through the little lanes of the town during sunrise. The beautiful warm yellow tint of the morning sun was a good trade-of for not getting enough sleep.


On my stroll I discovered that unfortunately the vibrations from riding off-road had cost me a screw of one of the hand guards. Nothing a zip-tie couldn’t fix though.


Prior to leaving London I had read that San Jose was the location of some scenes of “A fist full of Dollars” but later at the tourist information office nobody had heard of San Jose having been the shooting location of any movies whatsoever. However they gave me some flayers advertising three separate western towns farther north which I happily added to my checkpoint list.

I didn’t want to give up San Jose just yet and after some internetting I found what I had been looking for.

I had actually already passed it twice but hadn’t known what to look for. The off-road track to the beach had a right turn which I hadn’t paid any attention to earlier. This time however I did.

My disappointment was big when I saw the “not trespassing, no driving” sign. It was private property.


I had already turned around when I reconsidered my decision. I hadn’t come this far just to turn around now, as they would say in the movies. So I parked the bike further down the main road and walked across the flat plane towards a building which I could see in the distance.

Along a little path I found this platform. Though this particular one wasn’t part of any western movies I know, platforms like these often appeared in them. Unfortunately I don’t know exactly what they are for but seeing this got me excited for what I might find next.




This was it! The house where Monco (Clint Eastwood) was busting out one of Indio’s men from prison in Sergio Leones western from 1965 “For A Few Dollars More”.


For the movie they had extended the top floor to be able to blow a whole into it but other than that it’s still the same building and still in use.

Finding this place in the middle of nowhere thousands of miles from where I started my journey was a great feeling and I took a minute to enjoy the moment before I got back on my bike in order to not disturb the people who might be living there any longer.

Spain 10 – San Jose

I have crossed countless rivers on my trip so far. Many of them had huge river beds but none of them had any water. I don’t know if that’s due to the season or if the climate has changed so drastically overall. Also I have been told that rivers get diverted simply because water is quite important here.

This here also used to be a huge river below.


Not only the landscape changed constantly. Also the architecture had changed. All houses outside of bigger towns now looked the same. They were all snow white painted brick cubes.


This of course is to reflect the sun and reduce the heat.

On my way along the coast I found a site where there used to be a gold mine and the infrastructure still partially exists. It seems to be a bit of a tourist attraction out here in the middle of nowhere but I was the only one there in the late afternoon.
The agecent town seemed completely empty also. Siesta is not a joke here. Which I completely understand. On a sign I could have read what the silos are for but I did not have the willpower to do so in te heat. Not only is the heat uncomfortable, it also makes you so much more tired.



Distances seemed very vast now. I could ride an hour without seeing a single human beeing. Understandably in this wide space of emptyness where nothing grows.

I was climbing up a hill on a great little road which really only offered space for one vehicle in many uncomfortable spots with a long drop on one side. But the road offered a fantastic onto the valley I had come from.



After passing the hill I was surprised to see that in fact there was a lot growing on this land. The main purpose of the vally on the other side seemed to be growing fruits and vegetables. There were countless green houses as far as the eye could see right in the desert.

Another hour closer to the coast I finally reached San Jose. A place I wish I had stayed at longer. It lays in a national park and it was easy to see why. After having passed through all of San Jose -which is a very moderately sized village- on the other side there are no paved roads anymore and this is where you can find the most beautiful spots.




The village itself looked idyllic as well.



The only problem was that this being a national park camping would be prohibited. There were quite a few official camp sites a bit outside of San Jose but none close to the village and well quite frankly they were a bit expensive for my taste. 20Euros and up for a night (which is not extraordinary unfortunately but I did not want to spend that much). There wasn’t really any obvious spot to camp in the national park though. Not a single tree and no flat ground that wasnt covered with rocks. I explored a few offroad paths and ended up reluctantly choosing this one spot which was quite exposed on a hill.


I decided to wait for the sun to set to pitch my tent. I was going to get up before sunrise to take down the tent again in order to not be discovered in the national park. Until the sun had set I ate dinner which consisted of fish, bread, and a partially fermented whole pineapple. I had bought it fresh for a special low price offer the day before at a supermarket only to find out afterwards that it was not priced as advertised. The heat in the black panniers had not been particularly good for the fruit but after paying a lot I did not want it to go to wast. It was still refreshing after another exhausting day and I felt fit and willing to face the possible congestive consequences the next day.

Once more I had a fantastic view of the night sky and the moon provided just enough light for me to set up my tent in the darkness. Exhausted I fell onto the my matrace. At least the night would be somewhat cooler this close to the coast.

Spain 9 – Sergio Leone would be pleased

I continued my journey towards San Jose. A (probably rather inconspicuous) town name that for me however just like “Santa Fe” or “Santa Maria” always means American/Mexican wild west. Also the landscape now looked even more like what you see in the old western movies. Despite 38 degrees I loved riding through the dry and hostile to life looking landscape. I felt like riding through one of Leones movies.


Petrol had become expensive since I had reached the southern coast of Spain. It might just be the usual fluctuations but in the north it was 25% cheaper.

However the food was still cheap at the supermarket. In fact it was very cheap. I bought half a kilo of strawberries (local) for 1.50 Euro. In London or anywhere else I would probably pay a few pounds for that amount. In retrospect I should have been more greedy buying a kilo or more and eat until I puke. They were really good.


Fruit generally is relatively cheep. And most of the time local.

I had just passed Alicante when I decided it was time to drop the bike again. From the main road I saw a little trail going towards the beach. I was dying to go for a swim and got onto the dusty path to check out if it actually lead to the sea. I quickly saw that it did so I followed the uncomfortably sideways angled path. A few hundred meters in the path split. The right one lead to a little parking lot and the left one continued a little further down the beach. I went for the left one hoping for a remote beach spot and some more off-road experience. The path got worse but I reached the end without any troubles. I wanted to turn the bike around to have an easier time taking off later but that was a mistake. The problem was that there was almost no space to reverse. So I had to move the bike very slowly. At higher speeds the bike behaves a lot better than slow. Often when there is an uneven off-road path it is better to ride it with a bit more speed to shoot over uneven ground. But when you are going very slow the smallest pebble can make you lose your balance. And that is what happened to me. It must have been painful to watch. I dropped the bike v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. I was almost standing still but I had a bit of momentum from trying to turn left and I just couldn’t hold it. The only way I could have avoided the drop was with more throttle but there wasn’t enough space for it on this little spot.


As before the procedure was: trying to lift it with the luggage which of course didn’t work, removing all the accessible luggage, lifting the bike and packing it again. After I had lifted the bike I rode it to a flat spot so taking off would be no problem.


No damage at all.


This time I was rewarded with a great spot to relax and refuel my body with water and pastries.




Afterwards I went for a swim in the crystal clear water. My goggles were useless but I could still see the fearless little fish swimming close to me. They looked like what I had only seen in the aquarium so far. A great experience.


Relaxed I continued my journey through the dry landscape.

I came across countless little beaches one more beautiful that the other. Always the water was crystal clear. It looked like what you see in the holiday booking catalog.


More and more I could see why this landscape was chosen by Sergio Leone to resemble the American desert like west.


Spain 8 – South, always south

Right after leaving Valencia I noticed that the landscape had changed. There were very few trees, only a few bushes and other than that lots of yellow dry soil and sand.


After a little while I reached a city called Torrevieja which had been suggested to me by the Valencia hostel staff.


I stopped at Torrevieja to go for a swim, stock up my supplies and fill up the tank. I also bought cheap diving goggles because of how clear the water was everywhere I had been so far. Although this had already been the second pair I bought cheaply on the trip. The first one was too small for me. This one was just as useless. It’s got the same issue as my GOPro Camera housing. Above water the glass seems clear but below it is very distorted because it has a slight curvature and it’s cheap plastic. The German saying “Who buys cheap buys twice” applies.


After covering a good distance it had gotten late and the sun was setting. I needed to find a place to sleep.


Luckily I had my GPS to guide me at night. Except that night it made it’s first mistake. I am using a GPS app on my phone which works fantastically despite the fact that it is free.
On my 5000miles so far it had never failed me once but due to the fact that the road network is rapidly being expanded all over the place in Spain the GPS was showing a now discontinued road causing me a one hour detour. So instead of reaching the next bigger town I was now looking for a camp site, wherever. Just as I realized once again that it was really getting darker and that I really had to find a place to sleep I passed through the most desolate neighborhood so far. A little town that seemed completely deserted except for the odd old and grim looking villager sitting on their porch. There was trash everywhere and buildings in ruins. I wanted to leave this area as quickly as possible. The real problem though was that after having passed through this town there was no place to hide a tent and a motorcycle because there simply was no vegetation to speak of. No forests, not even individual trees or bushes.
Finally after riding for a few more miles I passed a little hill. Two hills actually. And where they met in the middle, a little elevated I saw MY campsite. It offered a nice view over the flat valley I had just passed through. The terrain was not the most inviting to ride uphill in bad light and I did not want to drop the bike at that time of the day. Slowly I climbed the hill in first gear and parked the bike for the night on the dusty plateau.


The sun hadn’t set completely yet and since I wanted to stay as invisible as possible, especially in that neighborhood I decided to have dinner first and set up my tent once the sun had completely vanished.

My top box doubles as wardrobe, dinner table and office desk.


The night was uncomfortably hot but I had the most fantastic view onto the night sky. I could clearly see the milky-way and all the star signs. A view that never fails to make me realize how tiny we and our problems are and how much more there is out there.

The night was hot but opening the tent beyond the ventilation net zips was not an option due to the many relentless flies and mosquito.
Why it really was the right decision to keep the zips closed became obvious the next day.
I was just about to take down the tent and wrap it up when I saw this 5cm guy under my tent.


At 5cm he was roughly 5cm too big. Quickly I got my big boots and stomped – away. When I came back he was gone. Probably crawled into my tent I thought. Still I had to get going so I folded up the tent extra carefully after shaking it vigorously and packed all my other things.


Sweating from the already glaring heat of the morning sun I left my campsite to continue south, always south.

Spain 7 – Valencia

The next day I got up early so I would not be discovered camping in the forest. To my knowledge wild camping is generally allowed in Spain but there are exceptions like in national parks, close to military bases, on beaches, next to roads or in bird protective zones. Since I wasn’t sure what my location qualified as I wanted to stay low. That didn’t really work out though as my location was probably passed by ten jeeps and 50 cyclists after sunrise. Nobody said anything though. If anything they greeted me friendly.


The place where I had ended up was actually a beautiful spot by daylight. Would make for a great bonfire place but of course that was unthinkable considering the extreme heat and risk of fire throughout the region and much of Europe for that matter.

After I had packed the bike I left the forest again and went back to onto the regular roads.



Towards Valencia always searching for the next place to take a break and escape the heat I found a little town with a nice beach where I made a stop to cool off and go for a swim.


Refreshed and relaxed I continued my journey …


… and reached Valencia in the evening.


There I stayed at a hostel for the first time on this trip. Two nights at the hostel elevated my costs for accommodation since the beginning of the trip from 0 to a grand total of 30Euros. Wild camping makes for a cheap holiday. Still, staying at a hostel once a week is a welcome change. Getting a real shower instead of relying on the sea, lakes and shower facilities at the beaches is a welcome luxury. Also getting to charge all batteries of my electronic devices was convenient. Not to mention proper toilets.
Charging my devices on the road actually worked very well though. The only thing I can not charge well on the road is my high capacity battery bank. But more about that in a dedicated gear post later.

In Valencia I ate my first Paella. I didn’t even have a vague idea of what Paella was made of. Also I only discovered by accident that the Paella comes from Valencia. Honestly I was a bit underwhelmed when I found out that one variation is basically just pasta with cheese. Nonetheless it tasted great and the shrimp and the mussel on top was a welcome change from my usual -lets call it cost effective- travel diet. Besides this actually was cheap too. 3.50Euros and I was really full after. London take note.


For me the best food I have had in Spain though so far is the pastries. They are fantastic. Any and all of them. They are not drenched in sugar like in many other countries. It’s just a hint of sweetness. The real taste comes from the baking ingredients. No matter where you go a bakery, cafe or supermarket they are always delicious and not expensive either. Even at Lidl I had amazing fresh pastries. For me the pastries are on par with the ones from Sweden which have so far taken number two on my list after Austrias baked goods. Pastries have become a big part of my diet here in Spain. Because they don’t taste extremely sweet you can actually eat a lot of them without getting sick of them. Anyway enough with the pastries.

Here is one of the many old churches in Valencia.


I liked Valencia more than Barcelona. It’s smaller and felt more homely to me.

More impressions of Valencia:














Before leaving Valencia after my two days stay in the morning I stopped at the stadium of FC Valencia. Like in Barcelona I only saw it from the outside as I did not want to pay 15 Euros for an inside tour considering that that could also be one night at a hostel. I like football and these clubs are the spearhead of world football but that was not worth it for me.



Spain 6 – Maintenance

I saw everything in Barcelona that I wanted to see except the Picasso museum. Instead of visiting the museum I spent half a day looking for a motorcycle mechanic where I could get new break pads for the front wheel of my bike. Since on a bike you use the front break a good 95% of your breaking time thus wearing down the front pads a lot faster than the rear ones. Especially if you are riding lots of little curved roads where you break frequently as I did. As far as I know break pads should be changed every 15000 miles. My bike has now 18000 miles.
I found out though that on Fridays half of the city seems to shuts down at noon. Small non tourist shops close during noon and sometimes don’t open again until Monday next week. I had found one shop that would do the work but they wouldn’t do it before the weekend. Carrying out this kind of work myself is something that I wanted to avoid under the circumstances that my bike is essential for the whole journey and there was no time for mistakes.
A review of Barcelona on the internet had said that driving through the little lanes of the city was so much fun. I didn’t experience that. It was annoying. Traffic is extremely heavy almost all the time except after 10pm. You stop and wait a lot more than you move. All that while being exposed to direct sunlight at around 35 degrees or more. Additionally the traffic rules don’t seem as important as in the UK for example. People cut you off or completely block the lane next to the parking lane. There are always cars stopping right in front of you for no apparent reason. Often the lane on the right is not usable because there are so many cars parked there. Exploring the city on foot was more comfortable anyway though. Despite the fact that you could actually drive through the tiny little lanes where people usually walk. This seems to be common throughout Spain.
For the time being when I was stuck in traffic I gave up my self imposed ATGATT rule for a little while. The heat was so bad that I felt it was a bigger risk to be stationary in the glaring heat baking in my cloths then riding without my jacket. Of course I could have stopped and parked the bike for the day but I figured at the speed we were moving the risk was minimal and I didn’t want to lose another day.


After having checked all the accessible shops I realized that I would not get new pads in Barcelona. There was still some bike maintenance that could and had to be done though. And that was lubricating the chain. It was bone dry. Riding many miles and the heat together made the oil evaporate extremely quickly.


I spent the rest of the day with more sightseeing and headed towards Valencia late afternoon. I wanted to get to Valencia the same day but everything went slower than I had hoped. Riding off the highways slowed me down as well. It was getting dark and I was still not close enough to Valencia to make the decision to push through.


So I started going further and further away from the main roads trying to find a good camp site. Finally after an hour I discovered a forest with a path through it. I rode 10min into the forest and found a nice spot next to a dried up river where I set up my tent in the light beam of my bike.


As expected this night would be a little cooler since I was a bit elevated and in the forest and in the middle of the night I actually had to get my down sleeping bag out. Usually I either don’t use any at all or just a very thin single cloth layer sleeping bag.

Spain 5 – Barcelona

In the morning my camp site looked a little more welcoming.


I spent the next two days walking through Barcelona and relaxing at the empty beach. The main beaches in Barcelona are very crowded but if you go a little further outside of the centre then you will find beautiful empty beaches which you can access either by car or by train.



The bull fighting arena of Barcelona.



House of music.


One of Gaudis Buildings.


Gaudis Jugendstiel Basilica Familia which is still not finished despite the fact that Gaudi has been dead for nearly a century. Its construction is financed by donations.




The gothic quarter of Barcelona.




The stadium of FC Barcelona Camp Nou.

