Spain 26 – Lisbon

The next morning I checked out of the hostel and drove down the hill to the touristy center for the city for some sightseeing. More than any city on this trip so far Lisbon and its architecture at the touristy locations reminded me of my home town Vienna.

I started at the main square …



… and walked back up towards the hill from there.



One of my friends from Sevillia had suggested me to get this traditional Portuguese dish. A baked potato with cheese in it.


I found this fancy place where each potato seemed to be treated like a sacrifice to the gods.

It was really good but I could have eaten 8 of those and it was still a bit on the pricey side at 5 Euros for a single potato.


The architecture in the city was very ornate.


Old little single car trams were frequently passing the streets and were not only used by tourists.


I was surprised to see this gigantic wall right next to a church. Being in such good condition it kind of seemed like it still served a purpose. I wondered what could be on the other side. The only really logical explanation I could come up with was: dinosaurs. Dragons would just fly away.


Many buildings didn’t have a plastered wall but a tiled one like the blue house on the far left.


At a little cheap restaurant I finally took the chance to eat some fresh fish. Sardines. I only wish it had been twice as much.


After this delicious snack I got back to my bike to continue North to Porto.

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