Off bike – Elk Mountain (Chilliwack)

After two hours the only thing between us and the trail head was a dirt road we weren’t sure our rental car would be suited for.

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It was.

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It was steep all the way up but the first gimps of the views was worth it.

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There steepness made for one of the best mountain views I’ve ever had. A little sign no this rock however reminded of a teenager who had died here last year.

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After our lunch we continued to the next view point.

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It was one was on the ridge of the mountain.

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Anna and I comparing our strides. (Mine was x1.5)

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Steep falloff to the left. But Kevin knows no fear.

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Anna’s knee was making her aware of it’s existence after a deceiving step. So we turned round since we had already seen amazing views and the decent would be strenuous enough.

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Kevin showing me how to tie shoelaces.

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Thom instructing.

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We were eager to get back down and we knew we were close.

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Kevin practicing his walking stick swing. As you do ….

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Before he drove us home…

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… Just after stopping at McD.

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Home again before sunset.

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